This order form is used to "dissolve" or shut down your company.
To dissolve your LLC in Texas the filing must be accompanied by a certificate of account status from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts indicating that all taxes under title 2 of the Tax Code have been paid and that the entity is in good standing for the purpose of termination.
Please note that the Comptroller issues many different types of certificates of account status. Do not attach a certificate or print-out obtained from the web site of the Comptroller, as this does not meet statutory requirements. You need to attach form #05-305, which is obtained directly from a Comptroller of Public Accounts representative. There are three ways to request certificates:
1) You can use the self-service request form on the Comptroller's website at:
2) you can write to the Tax Assistance Section, Comptroller of Public Accounts, Austin, Texas 78774-0100;
3) You can call at 512-463-4600; or toll-free at 800-252-1381.